• I’m gonna start developing video games

    aight so here’s the plan I just wrote based on this Miziziziz’s video: Step 1: The Basics Watch and study a couple of tutorials every day (I currently have time to do this for up to 8 hours a day). These tutorials should be enough to learn the basics of the engine and code. I… Continue reading

  • Empower level 1 player characters

    Recently, I’ve been crafting my own fantasy heartbreaker, my hack, my GLOG, basically, my own version of elf games I want to play with my friends. As I delved into the realm of player characters (PCs), I realized something important. While I like many aspects of the OSR style of play, I despise one thing:… Continue reading

  • games that let me hip-fire

    yo When you play d&d and other games like it, you gotta do some prep. What “prep” means varies a lot depending on campaign and DM, but it usually means working for an hour or maybe two just so you can have a game session run smoothly. I’ve come to realize that I don’t appreciate… Continue reading

  • yo


    I’ve been afraid of starting a blog, website, substack, or digital place to post my writings. I’ve actually been afraid of creating anything. If you like to create stuff you probably know what I’m talking about. That feeling that the stuff you want to create needs to be good. And you don’t know if what… Continue reading